BBQ Beans Recipe From Scratch

BBQ beans recipe

Welcome to the delicious world of BBQ beans! If you’re looking for a hearty and flavorful side dish to accompany your grilled favorites, this BBQ beans recipe is just what you need. With its combination of tender beans, rich homemade sauce, and optional additions of meat, these beans are sure to satisfy your cravings.

Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or simply want to elevate your weeknight dinner, this recipe will guide you through the steps to create a mouthwatering dish. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and let’s dive into the art of making irresistible BBQ beans!

To prepare the BBQ beans recipe, start by selecting any type of beans. Place them in a pot and cover them with a saltwater solution, using approximately three tablespoons of salt per gallon. Let the beans soak overnight or until they double in size.

Drain the soaked beans and place them back in the pot. Add enough water to cover the beans by about an inch and stir in a teaspoon of salt. Simmer the beans over low heat.

Once the beans reach a simmer, reduce the heat and maintain a gentle simmer for approximately one to one and a half hours, depending on the type of beans used. Different beans, such as navy beans and great northern beans, may require varying cooking times. The goal is to cook them until they become tender.

While the beans are cooking, prepare the sauce:

There are two options for the sauce. The traditional recipe calls for around 12 ounces of tomato paste diluted with approximately 16 ounces of water or more. However, if you have access to fresh, previously roasted garden tomatoes, it is highly recommended to use them instead. Fresh tomatoes provide a superior flavor compared to store-bought tomato paste. Consider this when making your choice.

In addition to the tomatoes, there are several other ingredients required for the sauce. Begin with half a cup of cider vinegar. If available, use a cup of hard cider instead. Substitute Dijon mustard with yellow mustard if necessary, using half a cup. Turbinado sugar is ideal, but if unavailable, brown sugar works as a substitute.

Use half a cup of either. Include 2 teaspoons of salt, approximately 3/4 cup of molasses, and consider adding homemade fermented Tabasco sauce according to your preference. Lastly, add your favorite bourbon, approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup, or more if desired. Keep in mind that adding bourbon is optional, so feel free to skip this step. However, it does contribute to the overall flavor. Stir all the sauce ingredients together to combine.

After approximately an hour, check if the beans are tender by taking one out and squishing it. Once they are cooked, drain the beans, but retain the cooking liquid for additional moisture if needed.

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It is not recommended to discard the cooking liquid as it contains flavorful compounds. Instead of using plain water, this liquid can be used to add taste. However, be aware that the liquid can cause gas in some individuals. Ultimately, the decision to use or discard the cooking liquid is up to you.

Place the cooked beans in a baking tray and pour the prepared sauce over them. Add a chopped sweet onion and Anaheim peppers (3-4 diced) to the tray. If Anaheim peppers are not available, you can substitute them with chopped or minced poblano peppers along with minced jalapeno peppers. This combination provides a similar hot and earthy flavor to the dish. Stir all the ingredients together.

If the mixture appears runny due to the added liquids, you can incorporate more of the cooking liquid from the beans to adjust the consistency. Cook the beans on a grill or Kamado at approximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit for a few hours. Make sure to close the lid and periodically check on the beans, adding more liquid as necessary to prevent them from drying out.

There is an alternative method for incorporating meat drippings into the beans. Instead of placing a drip pan under the meat beforehand to collect the drippings, you can position the bean pan directly beneath the meat while it cooks overnight, allowing the fat and liquid drippings to mix. However, this method collects both the flavorful gelatin and rendered fat from the meat, which can make the beans greasy.

To control the greasiness, it is recommended to collect the drippings separately using the first method. Pass the drippings through a fat separator, removing the excess fat and using only the liquid gelatin and a small amount of fat for flavor. This way, the beans will be full of flavor without being overly greasy.

Using the pan-under-the-meat method will result in greasier beans. Although they will still be delicious, the excessive greasiness may be undesirable for some.


Ingredients for BBQ beans recipe:

  • 1 lb dry white beans (Navy or Great Northern)
  • 1 Onion, Sweet, chopped
  • 1/2 cup cider vinegar
  • 6-12 oz hard cider, pale ale, or other beer
  • 1/2 cup turbinado sugar (or brown if none)
  • 12 oz tomato paste (or 1 qt roasted canned tomato sauce:
  • 12+ oz water (if using tomato paste or as necessary)
  • 3/4 cup molasses
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup dijon mustard pepper sauce (Tabasco)
  • pieces of pulled pork or cooked brisket (with bark) Pulled Pork:
  • Beef Brisket:
  • 4 anaheim peppers, minced (or 1 poblanos or 1 jalapenos)
  • ~1 cup fat separated pork shoulder or brisket drippings.
  • 1/4-1/2 cup bourbon (optional)
  • See more recipes:
  • How To Make beignets recipe with Nutella Chocolate
  • Stuffed Cabbages Rolls
  • How To Make Magic Lemon Pie Easily

Simple Direction for making BBQ beans recipe:

1) Soak beans under a few inches of salted water (3 Tbsp/gallon ratio) for several hours until double/triple in size. Drain.

2) Simmer 1.5 hours in salted (.5-1 tsp) water or until soft. Drain.

Below Meat Method:

3) Add & mix beans with all other ingredients (less the meat & drippings) to an aluminum half tray pan or dutch oven. Use the aluminum pan if possible. The acidity of the tomatoes can damage the seasoning on a dutch oven.

4) Add enough water to cover beans by a half inch.

5) Place directly under whatever meat you are smoking to begin collecting drippings from the meat.

6) Cook low and slow for several hours until beans are soft, smokey, and delicious. You may have to add more water during this time.

After Meat Method:

3) Add & mix beans with all other ingredients (including the meat & drippings) to an aluminum half tray pan or dutch oven. Use the aluminum pan if possible. The acidity of the tomatoes can damage the seasoning on a dutch oven.

4) Cook low and slow for several hours until beans are soft, smokey, and delicious. You may have to add more water during this time.

Sarah clinsmen
I'm Sarah. I'm an Author, Blogger, Editor at I love to share my expertise here with audience. I'm a specialist in cooking or at least that's what I'm doing here at, and if you have any question or concern, please contact me here: @Homecarestuff


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