Million Dollar Spaghetti

Elevate Your Dinner with Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole

Prepare to embark on a culinary journey with a dish that’s worth its weight in flavor: Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole. This sensational recipe brings together a symphony of tastes and textures, promising a dining experience that feels like a million bucks.

As your oven preheats to a luxurious 350°F (175°C), the anticipation of Million Dollar Spaghetti fills the air. Begin by boiling the spaghetti noodles to al dente perfection, setting the stage for the grand assembly.

The heart of this opulent dish lies in the exquisite blend of cream cheese, sour cream, and cottage cheese. As these ingredients harmonize, they create a creamy, lavish layer that elevates each bite to a whole new level.

Next, the star of the show, the ground beef, takes its place. Browned to perfection, it mingles with sumptuous spaghetti sauce to create a rich, hearty layer that’s fit for royalty.

Now, the layering process commences: a bed of spaghetti noodles, kissed with butter, forms the base, ready to receive the luxurious cream cheese mixture. This opulent blend cascades over the noodles, ensuring each strand is coated in pure indulgence. Another layer of noodles follows, along with a final touch of butter, bestowing a richness that’s truly decadent.

But the showstopper is yet to come. Enter the magnificent spaghetti and meat sauce, taking its place atop the layers. The anticipation is palpable as this divine combination promises a flavor experience like no other.

As the casserole enters the oven for its 30-minute transformation, the aromas envelop your kitchen, creating an atmosphere of culinary opulence. But the grand finale awaits: a generous shower of grated cheddar cheese, melting into a golden, bubbling masterpiece. A final 15 minutes in the oven allows the cheese to meld into a tantalizing blanket, adding a layer of extravagance to every bite.

As the timer chimes, you’ll unveil a dish that’s not only visually stunning but also an absolute delight for the senses. Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole is ready to grace your table, a celebration of flavors, textures, and the sheer joy of savoring a meal that’s truly priceless. So gather your loved ones, relish each bite, and bask in the sumptuousness that this casserole brings to your dining experience.”


1 lb of ground beef

1 jar of spaghetti sauce

8 oz of cream cheese

¼ cup sour cream

½ lb cottage cheese (equals 1 cup)

½ cup butter (1 stick)

1 pkg spaghetti 16 oz

Grated cheddar cheese


1 ) Preheat your oven to 350°. Boil your spaghetti noodles until al dente (firm). Drain and set aside until ready to assemble.

2 ) Combine the cream cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese until well blended.

3 ) Brown your hamburger and when done, drain well. Combine the hamburger with your spaghetti sauce.

4 ) Put a few slices of butter into a 9×13 pan then pour half of your spaghetti noodles on top.

5 ) Take your cream cheese mixture and pour on top of the noodles. Spread well over noodles.

6 ) Pour the rest of the noodles on top of the cream cheese mixture. Put a few more slices of butter on top of the noodles.

7 ) Pour your spaghetti and meat sauce on top of your noodles.

8 ) Now it is ready to put into the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pour the desired amount of grated cheese on top and return to the oven for 15 minutes to allow the cheese to melt.


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