Celery considered one of the healthiest drinks in the human’s food menu, it contains a number of vitamins, irons, calcium, fibers and so many elements that bring back your body organs into their natural statement so they will be able to function properly. Just make sure to juice your celery properly to save all its natural benefits. And if you’re wondering what can your body get from this master drink, just keep sliding these 10 benefits of celery juice pages. There is also a simple recipe at the end.



benefits of celery juice

When it comes to healthy blood, celery juice is one of the top drinks that should be on your menu at all times. it contains a compound called coumarin which increases the activity of white blood cells and consequently improves blood flow, stabilizes blood pressure, and even purifies the bloodstream.

Moreover, vitamins A and C can help you deal with such conditions as rheumatism, and arthritis, while iron and magnesium rebuild red blood cells and protect you from anemia, and you can get all this from drinking one glass of celery juice a day.



Unfortunately, insomnia is a problem that many people have to deal with on a daily basis. If you suffer from it and nothing seems to be working for you, it’s time to drink some celery juice.

It contains a healthy dose of magnesium, which calms your nerves and relaxes your muscles putting you in a sleepy state almost instantly. If one cup of celery juice in the morning isn’t enough for you, you can always drink another cup in the evening to help your body relax, and go to sleep. To double the effect, mix it with a bit of warm milk or raw honey and enjoy a healthy sleeping schedule.



Your cholesterol levels will lower there aren’t that many natural ways to keep cholesterol levels at bay, but drinking celery juice is certainly one of them. First off, it’s full of fiber which is known to pick up excess cholesterol compounds and push them right out.

Secondly, according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, celery juice contains a chemical called Val IDE which can reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels by 7% and all you need to do to get this amazing effect is extract juice from two stalks of celery no wonder celery juice is often called a master drink.



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