Krispy Kreme doughnuts


Delicious glazed and fluffy Krispy Kreme doughnuts, I’ve been making donuts for years now, and I finally nailed the most tender melt in your mouth donut texture, and I’m so excited to share the recipe with you. If you love Donuts you’ll be blown away by how much better freshly made Donuts taste! These will be better than any donut you will ever buy. I guarantee you that when you make these, you won’t be able to stop making them, and they’re so good!

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So for the dough, if you have a stand mixer use it. I’m encouraging you to use your stand mixer; because this dough is quite sticky and to be honest with you, it’s a bit annoying to work with. However, if you don’t have a mixer, I will be sharing some tips with you to make it easier.

So my flour I’ve added a good grating of nutmeg which is going to give these donuts that distinct delicious donut flavor. I’ve also added sugar and salt, and you want to give these ingredients a quick toss and set the mixture to the side.

In a mixing bowl combine some warm milk, one egg, melted butter, yeast, and give the mixture a good mix. Combine the wet ingredients with the dry, and if you’re using an electric-mixer set it on high for 3 minutes. If you’re making the dough by hand you can either mix these ingredients using a spatula, or wooden spoon or even a handheld electric mixer. You’ll see this dough is quite sticky and soft this is how you want it to be. Do not be tempted to add extra flour at the most you can add an additional one or two tablespoons of flour, but keep in mind this is the texture you want this dough to be.

add a half tablespoon of oil onto your work surface to prevent the dough from sticking to your board, and oil your hands as well then start kneading the dough this will take some time. This will take anywhere between 10- 15 minutes.

The gel will be elastic, soft, inevitably, and eventually, it will become sticky at that point you can use the bench scraper, it’s a great tool when making bread. It’s not expensive, I think it costs less than 2 USD; so consider getting one, especially, if you love making bread.

The dough will be soft and elastic. Usually, all enriched doughs have that flexible texture, and after 10 minutes of kneading, transfer the dough into a lightly greased bowl and cover it well using some plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel. It needs about an hour and a half to 2-hours to raise and to double in size.

An hour and a half later, now you can flower your work surface. We don’t want the donuts to stick, so the dough should have doubled in size and you’ll see also that it becomes easier to work with, and it won’t be as tacky.

Flour the top of your dough as well. I like to press it down to pop any air bubbles and roll it out to about 0.5-inch thickness. With this dough, you’ll be able to get around a dozen donuts or more if you have a small donut cutter.

A quick note to mention here is that if you don’t have a donut cutter, a large cookie cutter and the small one is perfectly fine to use, or even a glass or a cup is fine improvised anything that’s wrapped. place the donuts onto a parchment paper leaving some space between each donut, and let these rise again for 20-30 minutes. You can reroll the dough, reshape it, roll it out again and continue making your donuts.

A few crucial tips: cut the parchment paper around the donuts, so that it’ll be easier to maneuver them into the oil without you know deflating them or losing their shape. The best temperature for frying donuts is actually around 160 degrees Celsius or 320-330 Fahrenheit. A lot of recipes will tell you 360, but for my experience, they just become dark and crispy.

Cooking the donuts at a slightly lower temperature will assure you that beautiful even browning and super soft donuts. If you have a thermometer, use it. And if you don’t, just make sure your donuts are bubbling gently. You may have to adjust the heat as you’re cooking these, so keep that in mind and you’re going to cook these on both sides until they’re beautifully golden. Set your cooked donuts onto a wire rack or some towels, and start making the glaze.


You’ll need some melted butter, milk and powdered sugar, and a splash of vanilla. Depending on how you like your glaze, thick or thin add more milk or more sugar (I personally prefer a thinner plates).

Drop your donuts one or two at a time into the glaze, and make sure to coat them entirely in the glaze. Then place them on a wire rack to drip the excess glaze, so it will set just like Krispy Kreme doughnuts. And as the glaze starts to set, it’ll become that crackling soft glaze and the entire donut will just melt in your mouth.




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I'm Sarah. I'm an Author, Blogger, Editor at I love to share my expertise here with audience. I'm a specialist in cooking or at least that's what I'm doing here at, and if you have any question or concern, please contact me here: @Homecarestuff